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You are the cosmos- working with the signs…

Within the natal chart, the sign represents the season of the year. The Zodiacal year begins with Aries- cardinal fire- the spark of life. Throughout the year each month the Sun visits and embodied a new archetype whose energetics color the environment, or the character of the season. You can think of the sign as the costume which the archetype wears. So we know there is Mercury- the mind, the intellect, the way in which we communicate- but what is he like? Is he in the sign of Leo- proud, optimistic, entertaining, extroverted, but beneath the surface a self conscious fear that others may not truly hear her light. Or if Venus is in the sign of Aries, we can see the goddess of love and value as an independent, fiery, and courageous. She values the ability to take action, to go after desires and lead by doing. Where as Venus is Pisces prefers to play more of a supportive role, deeply intuitive, imaginative and empathic. Venus in the fourth house values curating a home, and being able to escape from who they may be in the day to day.

This week play with each sign.

Work from Aries to Pisces. What would it be like if you chose to wear the costume of another sign trading Libras soft communication and love of another, who wears stylish cloths to embody the deeply provocative Scorpio who dresses solely to stimulate others curiosity of the taboo.

How would the characters talk? How would they move their bodies? Where would they choose to spend their free time? What desires would drive them?

Perhaps instead of a character you choose to create an environment. A Taurian garden may be temperate, lush green grass, peonies the size of your head, and undoubtably a place that grows food. While an Aries garden would house dumbbells, a jump rope, cacti, and gravel pit where you roast an entire boar that was hunted on a weekend trip.

Have fun playing- once you create a character/ or environment for each of the signs you’ll have a full cast adding interest your personal mythology.