Elements and Modes


In this session, I introduce the basic architecture of the chart. Each of the twelve signs is an embodiment of both an element and mode. The element is the essence and the mode is the “movement," or quality, of its manifestation. These “elemental” principles lay the scaffolding on which the signs and houses are built. Enjoy!

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This week’s journaling is simple. When you are going about your day, take time to tap into the energy of each of the four elements and journal on the emotions, the felt sensation that you receive when you contemplate their energy.


Where do you connect to fire (be it the sun, a fire place, the stove, your belly, a passionate hobby, desire or lust)? Where is the energy moving? Is it contained, does it need to be released, or is it driving you to take action?


Where do you connect to earth? Put your hands in the soil, smell the season, close your eyes and touch your body or that of a loved one. What are you holding onto physically? Look around your home and recognize the order. Look at something you find beautiful. What is its appeal? What quality or feeling does it bring into your being? Journal.

How do you connect to air? Notice breathing patterns throughout the day, feel the wind on your skin, listen to the sound of your own voice and how it shifts depending on your mood. Notice your thoughts, your ideas, and inspirations. Journal.


How do you connect to water? Are you able to feel fluid, emotionally connected? How are you being hydrated? Notice how lack of water can cause lethargy and irritation (suppressed emotion). Take a bath, feel the water on your skin, notice how it moves and takes up the space of the vessel. Water your plants and see how the water is absorbed or not. Notice how flexible or inflexible you are throughout the day, notice if you are absorbing others emotions. Journal.


How can you practice embodying the cycles of the modes? Remember, every elemental experience must begin, be held, and then released for vitality.