Within astrology, the Moon often represents our internal world, the emotional realm that colors our experiences. It’s both reflective and receptive, a mirror to the sun in contact flux, motion and one of cyclic nature. Pisces traditionally is taught as the final sign of the zodiac, a liminal space that accumulates and absorbs experiences from each sign that proceeded it and as the place where things come to rest before the next journey and cycle begins.
During the time of the full Moon, the innermost parts of your life are said to be lit up like the Moon, leading to heightened emotions and awareness. The full moon this month is occurring in the final degrees of Pisces/Virgo axis intensifying its gifts and opportunity for release quantum entanglements.
Join me and Chamomile for an evening intention and ritual as we dive a little deeper into the cosmic ocean of this moon and make way for a grand rising of our internal sun.
I will be speaking on the energy of the moon, guiding you through release writing exercise, followed by a collective tarot reading from Chamomile.
ONLINE ZOOM MEET UP- Donation based.
We vote for our reality with our imagination. When we take responsibility for our awareness, we empower the world.