Astrology made me more intuitive... but not the way you might think.
When you hear the word Astrology what comes to mind?
Witches, crystal balls, big crazy hair and giant glasses, superstition, crazy cat ladies, naive teenagers, or hippie grandmothers. Or perhaps super general predictions that are frankly BS, written on the 59th page of the New York Times such as “Taurus - today you’ll find yourself in great favor with the mailman.” Now these things to me personally sound fun, but I’m also a practical bitch and value things that can create ease and evolution in my understanding of life.
What you probably don't associate with Astrology is a system to better understand the cycles of nature. Its use in honor and reverence for the diversity of humans on this planet, their gifts and their challenges. A framework for self discovery.
You probably don’t hear the word astrology and think of it as a language for understanding the subtle layers of herbalism, nutrition or even of understanding the human body in a holistic way. I didn’t either until I began to learn Medical Astrology from my teacher Sajah Popham, and simultaneously studying with a Lakota elder Paul Redelk.
Both of these men were talking about the same layers of “energetics” that existed in all of nature, including humans, but with completely different language. Sajah is an alchemist, western astrologer whose practice is based on Renaissance medicine. Red Elk an indigenous healer from the Midwest whose teachings were passed down from his grandmother and generations of ancestral practices native to North America. What the two teachings did have in common was the connection to the elements that comprise all of life.
Neither teaching broke down plants or people into constituents, fracture parts, but rather looked at them as living breathing ecosystems.
In these systems symptoms are not demonized, or suppressed- they are seen as a brilliant attempt for the body to communicate with the psyche what it needs to find equilibrium.
This was my first step into understanding rather than knowing how my body, and mind manifest in both harmonious and disharmonious ways.
This is a wisdom that cannot be bought, it cannot be told to you, or found through google. The art of understanding your body in an energetic way comes through presence, curiosity, experimentation, and willingness to unlearn the common knowledge for individual experience. This is where your intuition grows and becomes stronger. This is where you become empowered to make decisions in life that support your vitality. This is also the place where you can give others the gift of choice. As we reclaim this intuition we come to a greater coherence within our bodies- and the choices we make with how to nourish, move, live, and work.
When each of us thrives as an individual, the greater the resilience of the collective.
So how do you get started in tapping into this intuition? Find your energetic framework…
For me its Astrology. Each sign in the zodiacal wheel is comprised of the most basic elemental structures of nature- represented and observed by the season on Earth itself. We can take that framework and notice how it exists in us, in our bodies, in plants, and in everything we do. Systems such as Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and Vitalist traditions also use these same energetic patterns.
Looking back over the past 10 years as a wellness practitioner with a big question of “How can I regain my health and vitality, and spread that to others.”, I’ve gone through many evolutions of knowledge into understanding. From veganism, to keto, from mineral therapy, to parasite cleanses- I was always seeking to “fix” something in my clients or within myself.
When I took the time to really be the observer, the self experimenter, and put Astrology to use as a framework for understanding- I began to truly integrate, and reclaim the wholeness of my being and experience.
Working with dozens of clients- I’ve also been able to witness how the energetics exist within them, and that when they have the spirit to invest time into their self discovery, when they choose to listen to their body rather than an outside authority- their level of vitality, ease, and self-trust transforms.
So yes, Astrology did help me become more intuitive, without the need for crystals, hoop earrings, or adopting a black cat (although all those things sound super fun to play with). Astrology helped me integrate energetic experiences into a practical tool for understanding how the world, plants, and people work. the best part is you can too.
If you are interested in learning this framework for yourself consider signing up for Astro-Integration, a 12 part workshop series to learn this language of the elemental energetics of astrology in order to transform your wellness. If you are needing more support I’ll be opening my 1:1 three month coaching containers in September and have limited capacity, set up a 1:1 discovery call to see if its the right fit for you.
Be well and enjoy this Aries season return of the light!
If you found this article helpful- please share and like with someone who might find it valuable- every ripple in the ocean can eventual create monumental waves of change!
How I nourish is not based on a recipe, or diet- but on the energetic balance my body/mind is craving in any given season of life.