Aspects & Transits

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Integrating the Aspects

Aspects are the piece of integration, the through line that brings all the eclectic parts of ourselves into a refined cosmic dance that is our life. The houses as the setting, the planets as the actors, the signs as the costume and “vibe” of the house, and the aspects as the playing out- the relationship that moves the stage into motion. The exercise for the week is meant to be playful- its where you take the actors and allow them to interact with their environment and each other to create a story.

Now here’s the thing about stories, we all have them, we all tell them, and we all live them out everyday. When you meet someone for the first time and you describe yourself- that’s the narrative that you’ve been carrying since you were born, altered and ever changing based on life experiences and the passing of time. We become our stories, they map our perception and color our present experience. So do you like the story that you’ve been telling the world and yourself? Have you been the author of your story or have you allowed society, family, or peers color your perception? We have all subscribed to an authority outside ourselves at one time or another, even astrology when we grasp too hard to the actual language can create a cage or box of limitations. Astrology, however, can be used as a tool for personal and collective liberation when we choose to go beyond old outdated stories. So this week- you get to experiment with the telling of a new story- a more aligned you, that has always been, but is now being awaken.

This weeks exercise is to tell a new story- How does your mind and heart dance together? What are the challenges and the journey of growth that stems from them?

We can see a mars in pisces as a detriment- desire, impulse lost in a sea of emotion and indecision, or we can see it as a deep intuition that had been forgotten as a child, but after years of self inquiry becomes a super power.

When you tell a new story, you are creating the path to walk into. Trust, feel the energetics, and become the Author of your life, your perception, your reality that seamlessly webs into a more beautiful world.