Returning to Nature and your Sacred Gift
Everywhere we look right now is information about the corona-virus, about stock market crash, about the school system breaking down, and a call for global restructuring. This is not a time to be in fear but to be in stillness with ourselves and others, to take this time as an opportunity to restructor and reevaluate our resources and what it is that we value. It is also a time to find our grounding. When there is so much uncertainly how do we find our ground? How do we come home? I know so many people including myself who can feel lost, can feel uneasy because we don’t know our path, but the only way to find this path is to understand where our feet are. When I am in trust, faith and flow I am connected to my body, to the earth. In stillness I can hear what nourishment is needed, and what gift of nourishment and service I can offer to others.
simple ingredient- magnificent views
I wrote recently about the power of earthing, about how our biochemistry literally shifts when we spend time outside with bare feet on the ground or in natural bodies of water. This connection with the earth literally heals us on a cellular level. Nature provides everything we need for healing, she is where true value, wealth and resource lie. We cannot hoard and shut ourselves away from the world, we are all interdependent, each person and extension of the other and the part they play in the universe. Yes take precausciouns and take this opportunity to rest and recover but if you’re well don’t forget about your community.
I’ve been in Central America for two and a half months now, gathering goodness, teaching, and meeting others who believe in a better world. I’ve also seen extreme poverty and desperation. But even in the poorest of countries there are few who are homeless, communities understand their interdependency, they make sure that everyone is fed, sheltered and given love. In the west we think that separation is the answer… No its a coming together, sharing knowledge, sharing laughter, sharing space, and sharing in relationship with the Earth that will heal us.
sunset from the hammock
Last night I had the honor of speaking to my airbnb host Luzmi. Her long white hair blew gently in the wind, her skin radiant and glowing with grace. She spent several hours sharing her experience living here in Guatemala and space but she’s created. In 1995 a friend showed her the land, and without question she knew she had found her place, the birds, the stones, the trees and lake spoke to her in their own language. Over the years she slowly let the land develop, starting with a single tiny house and herb garden, to the current three structures all facing out onto the volcanos beyond the lake. Luzmi encourages everyone to find something that you love so much that you would sacrifice everything for. When you do that with complete faith everything else will unfold the way it is meant to be. But instead of me telling you I’d love for you to listen to the words and inspiration from her own mouth- listen below to the lovely conversation with Luzmi: Here is the link to her airbnb
If you received value from this conversation support the gift by “taking me to tea” Venmo @Jeannette-Mueller
Gracias- Jeannette
Most inspiring thing about the place just had me look out over the lake at the volcanoes as you’re doing your dishes that simple pleasure of washing the ditch the sacredness of the place and envelop see it when it’s energy no music is needed because the birds in the trees are singing to you and they’re soft and sweet voices. The vanilla sky with use of pink awaken the beauty and the gratitude of coming into a new day and at night gratitude for rest for peace and tranquility. I wish that I had to utilize my time here more than I thought scatter that I needed to go across the lake I need to do all these things and if that’s all I needed to do was just to be just be with this house just be with this place just be with these birds and listen and be inspired by what they were telling me that’s they’re always there and they’re always wanted you to listen.
When I asked Luzmi what she wanted people to know about what she’s created she said to inspire another way of living. For all that visit to realize that we can live in harmony with nature and we don’t have to sacrifice beauty, we don’t have to sacrifice comfort. These elements all work in a synergistic way. When you build something with intention and awareness, it becomes a gift, and it carries a frequency of artistry and character. Luzmi doesn’t spend her time lecturing people or trying to push them to shift to a more regenerative way of living, she doesn’t make people wrong, but offers a teasing of what your life may be if you shifted to a more conscious way of building, consuming, and living.
Wherever I go connecting with the land and local community are a priority. When I participate in the world what is informing my choices of resource investment, am I staying in integrity about supporting farmers who work with the land, clothing that is being up cycled or made by an artisan who is fairly taken care of. What gifts am I receiving and which am I giving. Luzmi gave me her gift, she created this place that I came to stay for just a week to be inspired again and to give so much gratitude. She also gave me the gift of realizing that even though right now I don’t have a solid home, even though right now I can’t plant to the physical garden, I can’t set up a homestead, I CAN simply do my part by being aware of what I am supporting with my resource. Choosing to stay at places such as Luzmi‘s I am contributing in because my money goes to support her mission of sharing and spreading the inspiration of consciously created spaces. The true gift in life is the ability to give. We fall in lone with life when we truly grateful for every moment. Everything is living and everything as a gift, it is our perspective it needs to shift.
walkway from loft to lake for midday swim
How can you move into love? What is your gift you have to offer others, and how can you receive gifts into your life?
Begin with understanding what you love, and what is worth fighting for.
Also if you find yourself traveling to Guatemala and Lake Atitlan please check out Luzmi’s place. It between San Marcos which has wonderful yoga, music, community and restaurants and Tzununa a permaculture oasis. A week here may transform your life forever.
Here is the Airbnb link for Luzmi’s home- perfect for a solo retreat or with a partner/friend
If you received value from this conversation support the gift by “taking me to tea” Venmo @Jeannette-Mueller
Gracias- Jeannette
compost toilet with solar heated shower
dock entrance
feeling like a queen