Touring the Houses of your life…
To work in integrating your understanding of the houses choose 2 houses or area of your chart each day this week and write a short story in your journal or record an audio in your phone about what it feels like to embody the most interesting version of its expression. With each house identify the element (fire, air, earth, or water), mode (cardinal, mutable, fixed). and sign to see how the energetics “color” the room. Identify the planets to see which characters or parts of your psyche live and perform in the room. For example: Lets say the second house of personal resource, and self worth is in the sign of Capricorn. Uranus, Neptune, Moon and North Node all live in this house giving it more weight/emphasis than other rooms of my house. The moon looks for security, but also provides an innate intuition- through her cycle she can experiencing emotional waves but in Capricorn she may appear level headed, there is a need for material comfort and the ability to provide for ones own resource. There could be challenges of low (contracted) self-worth if ambition, service and leadership are not pursued throughout the life. Relying on others for resource and being held would be detrimental to the health of the north node in Capricorn native- as it is their karmic drive to embrace leadership and right relationship with the material world, a lifetime to embrace the masculine side of oneself. Uranus and Neptune also call for attention in this house- begging the native and her generation to envision and redefine our understanding of leadership, success, and ambition. There is an innate knowing that leaders are visionary that can guide individuals into self empowerment which ultimately serves the collective. Ambition does not mean leaving others at bay, a true leader serves mind, body, and spirit of the whole. - There is a lot of energy in this house so how might the characters work together towards a common goal, climbing the mountain together as a herd of goats with varying ideals?
Have fun with the stories- if you do a audio recording give each planet a different voice- for example Venus in Taurus may have a low sensual voice only speaking once she really feels into prompting. Describe what they look like- Mercury in Aries, thin boned, fiery hair, almost appearing like a human match book ready to flame but quick to burn out. 4th house in Pisces- a home filled with tools for painting, a journal for dreaming, a place for people to come and feel welcomed, but also making space for the individual to bask in their imagination and world of fantasy.
Have Fun with it!
1st House- Again look at what sign, element, mode and planets color the “room” of your personal image, personality, approach to life. If you have Aries rising- make up a story of how others may perceive you a an independent leader, one who is willing to take risks and jump first into situations. Notice the "unconscious” behaviors such as hotheadedness, and tell a story about how that same energy can be integrated and channeled towards finding a cause you are passionate about.
2nd House- see how the energetics of signs and planets paint your image in how and what you value. What is your relationship to resources and how can you balance the energy, own what is yours, and honor that your definition of “resource”, wealth and security may be radically different from another.
3rd House: Honor your communication style- play with story telling (sagittarius), talk through painting or poetry (pisces), make list of what ideas are meaningful and what are ready to go (virgo), be playful with riddles and questions (gemini). Look to see what colored your early development of communication, your sibling relations- and if needed, tell a new and empowered story,
4th House: describe your best version of home, what do you do in private, how do you want to integrate new ideas of what it means to belong, and imagine the legacy you will leave. Write a short blurb from your ancestors point of view and how they are perceiving you from the other side. What are they wanting you to remember?
5th House: The fire of our essence grows as we discover our capacity to create as sovereign beings. To shine our light forth is the beauty of the fifth- it is here where we become like a child playing, creating, flirting, and reveling in the joys of life and our being. What is it that you create out of nothing but your soul, where do you lose time in flow, where do you play? What endeavors make you feel magnetic- dance, hiking, painting, poetry, cooking, boxing or improve? If you could bask in you bliss, joy or creation where what would you birth into the world? The fifth house also lends to the realm of romance, sexual expression and the people who ignite us. In all realms of creation be it play or sex or both- what qualities imbue you with a sense of power and worth.
6th House: The everyday- natural boundaries such as the body, our homes, our work- the responsibilities we carry so that we can maintain and care for our temples on every fractal. In this house we ask what ways do I support my creativity but also maintain my equilibrium. What rituals and routines support your physicality? What is the consciousness of what you bring into your body in terms of water, food, and medicine? What and how would you work that would support your sense of security/resource, mental, physical and spiritual well-being? Are there things you can make more efficient so your life can be more in flow? How do you wish to be of service to the world? This may seem like a “boring” house to many- but we choose the perception we give to our humanness and when we can wed ritual with responsibility we are free. How does who you are inside manifest with what surrounds you outside?
7th House: Partnership in both business and love- how do we relate when we are with someone 1:1? What is your ideal partner? What are “green-flags” that inspire you to pursue or stay within a partnership? Is it fun and a sense of humor, or depth of intimacy? Look to your first house- and find clues for an ideal partner in the opposite. Personal partnerships are often our greatest mirrors. We cannot see ourselves so we must meet another to reflect both our beauty and the parts of ourselves that still need integration. What type of partner do you seek? Look to the house- if the moon is there do you seek emotional security? If the house is in Virgo- are you attracted to a woman of service, down to earth, and practical?
8th House: Where we merge and become one with another, to what do we owe or are indebted to? This house describe that which we share, where we unite, and where the duality of partnership becomes one entity. Where do you transcend innocence into the maturity and merger with life experiences? Have you ever entered into something that on the surface may seem just that but has brought you into a form of self-transcendence? Through union with another be it a partner, spiritual practice, familial, or financial we can come into a form of alchemy where we die and are transfigured or rebirth into expanded wholeness. What types of environments do you merge with? Who are the people you leave your legacy to or receive from? Where do you experience separate self merge with something?
9th House: Developing the higher mind, playing with the superconscious, belief systems, philosophy, psychology, visions and the consciousness you choose to cultivate. How do you evolve you mind? Through travel (sagitarrius), studying world languages (gemini), building sculptures (taurus), or raising and nurturing a home (cancer)? Perhaps through books, or reading you travel with the mind. Maybe a piece of music transforms the way you see the world. Where through love, struggle, obligation, or life purpose you develop your chosen beliefs- but look to this house and see what auspicious elements need nurturance to up level your wisdom.
10th House: Where the sixth house dealt with the work you do consistently the tenth highlights your life work. What energetics are you wanting to bring into your community? What does ambition, success and service mean in your heart. Perhaps Jupiter rules your 10th expanding you into the role of a teacher, or world traveler. Maybe Venus calls you into creating beauty that touches the hearts of others. Who we are in public can sometimes be the opposite of who we are in private (4th house) How do you create balance between the two?
11th House: When you envision the world what goals, hopes and dreams come to your mind? What causes do you support? Where do you come together in community with what you perceive as “like minded” people? Perhaps humanitarian causes such access to water, food, foreign aide, regenerative agriculture, or other restorative justice. This is a house where we join with networks to build a legacy that transcends our own. Together united, we grow and spread- where does your ripple touch?
12th House: What do your unconscious wish to reveal through dreams, trance and psychotherapy? Hidden fears lye just beneath our conscious awareness waiting to be revealed at the opportune moments. For the next few days track you dreams and ask them upon waking what secrets they hold. When we face the things that have kept us imprisoned, in fear, or blinded we can heal what is ready to be transformed.